New Blog Design!!

Hey all! Sorry no new recipe to publish today, should be back up and running tomorrow.

First of all, I wanted to apologize if you tried to access The Farmers Wife this afternoon and it wouldn't let you in the front door! I was working on redesigning the whole page, and made it private so as to reveal the new look all at once!!

Second, You may notice a brand new header and design, as well as a brand new button!!! I just created all of this myself over the weekend, and am thrilled to show it off to y'all! I hope you like it, I tried to incorporate our favorite John Deere colors, but they were just TOO bright for my taste. haha!

Thirdly, You may notice the new button design. If you had my old button you will find the code to replace it (if you want to) right underneath the button itself. I appreciate all of you who already use my button, it's so sweet of you to advertise me like this!

Thank you SO much all for your support, I appreciate each and everyone of you immensely.

Have a Blessed Day!

The Farmers Wife


  1. Oh how cool! I LOVE your new design - you must be sooo proud! I will definitely add your new button to replace the old one - how fun to dress things up. It's just darling!

  2. Thanks! I'm glad you like it! I just worked on it over the weekend a bit, and finalized today. Didn't take much time but fun to do!!

  3. I love your new site, and the colors. Both my son and daughter-n-law work in the Corporate office at John Deere. They love that company:)

    How did you design that button? I want to give a badge to the bakers for the bake sale,but I'm having trouble. Please send me an e-mail, if you can

  4. It looks great! How did you do the header? I'm clueless when it comes to all of this!

  5. Thanks everyone! Becky I will email you shortly about the button!

    Lauren, I used 2 different programs to create the header, Gimp 2.0 and Picnik (picnik is a free online photo editor). I created the base image and added the little touches in Gimp and then all the font and resizing was done in Picnik. I used to do graphic design YEARS ago, but that whole world has changed drastically since then, so I'm still finding my way around it now. But I'm pretty pleased with how it came together! If you have any other questions please feel free to ask!

  6. Oooohhhh I love the new design! How much you charge????? j/k :)

  7. I LOVE the new look! :)

    I am surprised you had time with everything else I have asked you to do! lol

    love ya!

  8. Lol! Lauren, if you want me to work on something for ya let me know.

    Lark, I decided to stop sleeping! Lol! Just kidding. I only spent a short time on it, it came together quite fast.

  9. Love the new layout! I would love to know how to make a button also. I've read a few tutorials but I was so confused, I quit.

    I read above that you used to do Graphic Design! I did too back in the day...when the T square and paste up was in! I'm going to have to go to school all over again to re-learn this trade if I ever want to do it again!

    Can you email the instructions for the blog button also? I would greatly appreciate it. I'm launching a new blog and would love to have one!


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